Moving on.
I made cupcakes. This was quite a determined, much talked-about, when's-it-gonna-actually-happen batch of cupcakes. We came home one weekend with five pounds of carrots from my mom's garden, and I wanted miniature-sized carrot cakes with cream cheese icing.

Enter the Google search. I typed in "carrot cupcakes mascarpone icing" and picked a result that sounded delicious. After halfheartedly checking for the ingredients, I went for this one: Carrot Cupcakes With Mascarpone Icing from the Food Channel.
You've heard it before, though--me being me, I couldn't let the recipe just unfold the way it was written. I ran out of fresh OJ, so I used 5 tablespoons of fresh-squeezed juice plus two tablespoons of water. I ran out of granulated sugar and used some light brown sugar. And I scrapped their mascarpone icing all together and made up my own.

Whisk together....
8 oz mascarpone
juice from 1 lemon
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
splash of vanilla extract, to taste
Add more of whichever ingredient seems to be missing. This makes for a VERY creamy icing and is not as heavy-handed as a buttercream. In short, it's light and delicious and not too sweet. The perfect compliment to tangy-sweet and moist cupcakes.

But I've got a couple pounds of carrots left, so I'm thinking I'll try a more traditional, dense, orange-less, breakfast-y carrot cake later this week.
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