April 23, 2009

tangy snack, any time

I can't hide it any longer.

There's something new in my life. It's snarky, and bites back, but gives me just the faintest taste of sweetness on the return. It's malleable and versatile and flexible and yet always predictable. Tangy and lemony on its own, full of creamy flavor and texture, silky smooth, and a member of my very favorite food group (dairy).

And now that I've finished describing it, my lip-smackingly-delicious afternoon snack is almost gone.

A chips-and-dip craving (it's 90 degrees out already and I needed something salty, crisp, and cool) sent me scavenging through the pantry and refrigerator. After taking stock, I came up with locally-made tortilla chips (El Milagro, the best) and the latest object of my culinary affection: organic Greek-style yogurt (um, full fat, folks).

A few chips made their way into plain yogurt, which proved to be a delectable treat, but something was missing. Spice.

Not more than three scoops and four dashes later, I had the perfect spicy afternoon chip dip. As long as you have plain yogurt on hand, this can be made to suit any occasion. Here's what I was in the mood for this afternoon.

Greek Yogurt Chip Dip

1/2 cup Greek-style yogurt
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp steak seasoning, or season-all
1/4 tsp parsley flakes

Combine all ingredients and serve with chips or veggies.
This is totally something I'll be experimenting with. Can you imagine: fresh herbs with complimentary spices?? The possibilities are endless.

If you don't have access to Greek-style yogurt, I think it's very similar to sour cream and would be totally fine using the two as substitutes for one another. Don't you think?


Roy said...

I've started eating greek yogurt pretty regularly and I'm always on the look-out for quick & simple ways to eat it. This was perfect for what I needed, and the spiciness made it very satisfying. I even used the no-fat kind and it was great!