August 3, 2010


It's been one whirlwind of a month, and I may have come out of it a little worse for the wear. At least, that's how I feel at the moment.

There has been much soul searching and self investigating, not to mention planning, party throwing, appointment making, furniture assembly, moving, painting, eating out, shedding of tears, and not enough running, playing, relaxing, laundry, painting, and (as I'm sure you've noticed) cooking.

So I'm looking forward to finding a routine again soon. Two days into this week, and the mornings have had a little bit of structure; I've made it out the door both days with coffee (but one day without my computer). Not to mention, that picnic table is getting quite the workout because Ryan has been out grilling a couple times a week.

What a year this one has been, and continues to be.