This cannot wait. On the stove, at this very minute, is a simmering pot of roux, okra (picked yesterday from my mom's garden), organic tomatoes--hold that thought, I've gotta go stir--farm onions, and garlic.
It is the very incarnation of what I grew up calling gumbo; Ryan just said, "I've never had a gumbo with tomato sauce in it." His version of gumbo looks like Mississippi mud and offers bits of crawdads and shrimp in every bite. My version of gumbo--the stuff my mom ladeled into our bowls on the summer dinner table without restraint--is chock-full of veggies and, to me, tastes like heaven.
It's still simmering. I'll fill you in very, very soon.
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- Sustainable Diet
- Here you'll find recipes, gardening advice, news, and more. This is a place to learn and explore along with us, as we try to live in a way that keeps our resources (whether that's land and plants or mind and spirit) happy and healthy. It's a small way to illustrate how soul, body, earth, and others are so tightly intertwined. Come on in and stay a while! All images and content (c) Amber Byfield Pollei, 2007-2012, unless otherwise noted.
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Sounds wonderful...
When I moved out of the 76574 zip code and into the 78704 I was so confused when I was brought brown stuff when I ordered gumbo, I insisted that it should have been red and full of slimy okra. :) Love the stuff!
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